New York City Olive Oil Coop

Copyright 2004-2024 Michele Castaldo - New York City Olive Oil Coop - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Pellegrino Olive Orchards int foothills of the Aspromonte and the plains of Gioia
netting used to collect olives that fall to the ground
netting used to collect olives that fall to the ground
did you know that the olive tree is an evergreen tree?
netting used to collect olives that fall to the ground
Pellegrino Olive Orchards int foothills of the Aspromonte and the plains of Gioia
the Lecchino Olive ripening from green to purple
Pellegrino Olive Orchards int foothills of the Aspromonte and the plains of Gioia
the Lecchino Olive ripening from green to purple
New York City Olive Oil Coop
Click on photo to enlarge - hover mouse to read discription
2008 Harvest Photos
Transporting the EVOO